The Uzbek cuisine
The Uzbek cuisine
Uzbek (uzb. Uzbek taomlari) - National Cuisine of Uzbekistan origin of many of them has common roots with traditional Asian dishes, such as rice, lagman, manta rays and other. However, Uzbekistan has its own peculiarities prepare these dishes, as well as its very original dishes.
Male professional chefs called "Oshpaz" (eng. Cooker). In a broad sense oshpaz generally cook, but usually in the Uzbek language, this term is understood the expert in the preparation of plov.
Uzbek cuisine emerged as a result of co-existence and mixing of several cultures, long-term development in the Fergana, Tashkent and Samarkand oasis - an important commercial crossroads for the whole of Asia.
Some experts believe that the modern Uzbek cuisine in all its diversity formed relatively recently - 120-150 years ago. It was then that the region began to be widely penetrate products and culinary techniques of European cuisine
In Uzbek national cuisine there are marked differences between regions. In the north of the main dishes are rice, dishes made of dough. In the southern part of the country, preference is given multicomponent dishes of vegetables and rice. In the Fergana Valley are preparing a darker and fried rice, in Tashkent lighter.
Uzbek cuisine is largely grown in Asian traditions and recipes, but also has its own specifics.
One of the most popular and famous dishes - plov. For Uzbek and Tajik cuisine is characterized by the joint preparation of meat and grain (usually rice). In contrast, for example, the Azerbaijani cuisine where meat and grains prepared separately. In general, vegetables and grains as a separate dish iligarnira are not used, they are included as ingredients in main dishes. Fish and poultry fat unpopular in Uzbek cuisine. Limited use of eggs. Rarely used eggplant and mushrooms.
Confectionery and bakery products are also very diverse. Main and one of the most popular bakery products - Uzbek cakes (non) - fall into two main categories:
obi-non (obi-non (uzb.)) - on yeast dough and water.
patir-non (patir-non (uzb.)) - on short-crust or puff pastry with oil or fat.
Currently, the dishes of the Uzbek cuisine widely used modern gas and electric stoves, kitchen utensils and appliances. However, still popular and traditional ways of cooking methods. Required element cookware - it seemed (usually several types and sizes). Tandir - a clay oven can be found everywhere in Uzbekistan, and it is almost a mandatory element, in particular, rural cuisine.
Traditions and etiquette
Featured deference Uzbeks to bread, many traditions are closely related to bread and leaven. Cake on the table certainly put the "face" up. All operations associated with the bread (tortillas) in Uzbekistan usually appears only an even number of cakes. Turn the cake (it does tend to be older or younger member of the family, but with permission) considered a sign of the beginning of the meal. Generally start the meal before the eldest in the family or older at the table first try dish is considered ignorance.
Traditionally Uzbek wedding (also a wake for the deceased and other activities) accompanies cooking plov. It is prepared, as a rule, with more overnight and is served on the table early in the morning. Usually in such cases, a recipe for "festive plov" (tuy oshi) - with chickpeas, raisins and various spices. Preparation of High plov in cauldron on one or more kilograms of rice - the prerogative of men only.
This is one of the most famous traditions, which in modern Uzbekistan plays an important part in human relations. And to this day there is a plov made hands, although it requires some skill.
A long tradition associated with the preparation of ritual meals sumalyak from sprouted wheat. Its supposed to cook early in the spring before planting. Often it is cooked in large cauldrons on the streets during the holiday of Navruz. This dish, which is hard to find an analogue in the kitchens of other nations, and resembles thick jelly is considered very useful for the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the immune system.
Main dishes and soups
Basma - stew with onions and other vegetables. Cooked in a cauldron covered with a bowl on top and under the pressure.
Dimlama - stew with onions and other vegetables
Dolma - stuffed
Kabob - Skewers
Kovurdok - grilled meat with vegetable garnish.
Katykli - soup based on katyk
Mastava - rice soup
Moshkichiri - rice porridge with waving (mung beans)
Mashhurda - rice soup with waving
Naryn - noodles with meat
Samsa - pies
Ugra (noodles)
Chalop - cold soup based katyk
Chuchvara - Uzbek dumplings.
Siauliai - rice porridge
Chorba - potato soup with meat, the word is commonly used simply in the sense of the soup.
Nishalda parvarda
Holvaytar Novat
Fermented milk products
Katyk - a fermented milk drink made from boiled milk.
Suzma - sour curd after expression katyk.
Kurut - dried balls suzma with salt and pepper.
Ayran - divorced in boiled cold water suzma with the addition of ice cubes and apples.
Popularity and recognition
Kitchen is widely known outside the country. Uzbek restaurant is in many major cities of the CIS, in the culinary capitals of the world: in New York and Paris. According to the site "Restaurant rating» Uzbek cuisine is among the most popular in Moscow (2010), as of the year 2005 in the capital of Russia, there were about 50 restaurants Uzbek cuisine.
According to the chief editor of "Catering" Mary Timirbaevoy feature of Uzbek cuisine that is home kitchen, it is poorly adapted to the specifics of the restaurant: preform and subsequent fast serving. On the other hand its positive features - the relative cheapness of the ingredients, although in elite restaurants made to order and deliver original products and spices from Uzbekistan.
Many famous people speak that to them Uzbek cuisine favorite. Sergey Nikitin dedicated one of his songs eastern cuisine and is considered a master of cooking plov. Joseph Kobzon, Sergei Lebedev, Nikolai Baskov spoke about the Uzbek plov kitchen and in particular, as the most beloved.
In the movie "Nasreddin in Bukhara" you can see the traditional Uzbek meal and dastarkhan with plov. Also during the episode at the beginning of the film, when Nasreddin goes through the bazaar street confectioner who whips nisholda - pastry dish of proteins and sugars.

16 Delicious Uzbek Dishes You Need To Try Immediately
Exotic, hearty, full of flavor, and reasonably healthy.
Basically everything you want in your food.