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Tashkent Restaurants and Cafes, Uzbekistan

Номе - The Uzbek cuisine - Tashkent Restaurants and Cafes, Uzbekistan

Reviews of popular cafes and restaurants in Tashkent

Best cafes and restaurants in Tashkent present delicious national Uzbek as well as European, Middle Eastern and Russian cuisines. Old part of the city is the center of traditional local cuisine in Tashkent. Between Kukeldash Madrassah and Chorsu bazaar you may find a great number of chaykhanas (café terrace with ayvans) and eating houses, where you can snack a kebab, shaurma, Uzbek somsa and etc. Also you can try national dishes in family-run Uzbek houses. Close to the Yunus-Obod tennis court there is the huge Pilaf center (Osh Markazi), where you may taste delicious wedding Tashkent pilaf.

Tashkent restaurants and cafes amaze with European service level and food quality. You will be surprised with wide range of restaurants with Chinese, Italian, English, Japanese, Spanish and other cuisine. Whatever restaurant you choose for any lunch, dinner or meeting, you will enjoy not only tasty dishes but also the stylish interior, food presentation and perfect service.

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City Grill

Restaurant City Grill, TashkentAddress: 1, Shaykhantaur str., Tashkent
Phone: +99871-241-52-02
Cuisine: European
Working hours: 11:00-23:00
Popular dishes: "City Grill" steak, mushroom soup, fresh vegetable salad dressed with oil, beef roll with young potatoes, ice-tea
Description: City Grill is the small and cozy restaurant in Tashkent with laconic design. The appeal in the interior is a great number of sophisticated wine bottles, stretching along the walls, as if an answer to the question “What to drink with dinner?”.

City Grill New

City Grill New, TashkentAddress: 23, Shakhrisabz str., Tashkent
Phone: +99890-977-71-16
Cuisine: European
Working hours: 10:00-23:00
Popular dishes: "City Grill" steak, Grilled Walleye, Vegetable cream soup
Description: The City Grill New is a cozy restaurant with a pleasant laconic decoration. Located in the centre of the city, it cannot be seen from the road. Its interior design is made in light tones and enriched with pictorial details to create an atmosphere of elegance, coziness and comfort.


Restaurant Caravan, TashkentAddress: 22, A. Kakhar str., Tashkent
Phone: +99871-150-66-06
Cuisine: Uzbek, European
Working hours: 12:00-23:00
Popular dishes: lavash bread Caravan, shashlik (kebab), manti, chicken baked in foil, spinach soup, brewing cake
Description: There is very warm and friendly atmosphere in the restaurant Caravan and the Uzbek cuisine is presented in its full splendor. The restaurant also offers wide range of international meals, but the design is favorable to taste national dishes. It is one of the first Tashkent restaurants that became popular among expat community


Restaurant Jumanji, TashkentAddress: 62/2 K. Djalilov str., Tashkent
Phone: +(998 71) 255-86-71, 255-42-00 
Cuisine: Fusion
Working hours: 12:00-23:00
Popular dishes: rolls with meat, roasted meat, roasted mushrooms, ice-cream with fruits
Description: Jumanji is a cozy Tashkent restaurant offering to taste the fusion cuisine: the blending of Oriental and European traditions. Soft, streaming light, painted walls and comfortable furniture create the relaxing and appeasing atmosphere.

The Irish Pub

The Irish Pub, TashkentAddress: 30, Taras Shevchenko str., Tashkent
Phone: +99871-252-78-42(43) 
Cuisine: Irish, European
Working hours: 11:00-23:00
Popular dishes: steaks dressed with different sauces, pork shin, fajitas
Description: It is an ideal place in Tashkent to spend a Friday evening with friends over a glass of beer, especially during live football matches. As any good pub, The Irish Pub offers its guests to taste a wide selection of good beer.


Restaurant Afrosiab, TashkentAddress: 20, Kh.Ergashev str., Tashkent
Phone: (+99871) 234-63-63, 235-30-88
Cuisine: Uzbek, European
Working hours: 11:00-23:00
Popular dishes: pilaf, kebabs, kazan kabob (meat with potatoes), shurpa (vegetable soup), mushroom soup, vegetarian dishes, desserts, fruits and ice cream
Description: Tashkent restaurant Afrosiab offers you to immerse into the atmosphere of magic East. At the entrance to the restaurant you will "meet" colorful characters of Uzbek fairy tales, and on the couch near the entrance you will find other fairy "guests", sippng tea on kurpachah (Uzbek thick blanket).

Italiano Vero

Restaurant Italiano Vero, TashkentAddress: 35/1, Afrosiab str., Tahskent
Phone: +99871-252-25-66
Cuisine: Italian
Working hours: 11:00-23:00
Popular dishes: beef medallions with mushroom cream sauce, minestrone, grilled pike perch
Description: Italiano Vero Restaurant is the light, spacious and cozy Italian restaurant. The interior of the restaurant is made in the restrained two-color of white and black chocolate. This “classic duet” is supplemented with natural flowers on each table. Another adornment of the hall is the wide wine collection in special display cases.

Gruzinskiy Dvorik

Gruzinskiy Dvorik, TashkentAddress: 15, A. Kakhar str., Tashkent
Phone: +99871-129-07-70
Cuisine: Georgian
Working hours: 11:30-23:00
Popular dishes: khinkali, khachpuri, chashushuli, satsivi, tkemali, matsoni
Description: At the entrance to the restaurant Gruzinskiy Dvorik (Georgian yard) you will receive a warm welcome from the real Georgian Dato Todua, who will offer you to try a glass of wine or real grape vodka - chacha. The interior of the restaurant is decorated with reproductions of prominent artists Niko Pirosmanishvile and lado Gudiashvili.


Restaurant Afsona, TashkentAddress: 30, Taras Shevchenko str., Tashkent
Phone: +99871-252-56-81/82
Cuisine: Uzbek
Working hours: 11:00-23:00
Popular dishes: pilaf, somsa, manty, dolma, vegetarian menu
Description: Afsona is the venue, which takes the position of a modern Uzbek restaurant. It can be seen in the modern design of the restaurant and national ornament of the interior. Tashkent restaurant Afsona offers to taste national cuisine oriented to healthy life-style.


Pub Chelsea, TashkentAddress: 25, A. Kakhar str., Tashkent
Phone: +99871-215-72-27, +99898-309-34-34
Cuisine: English
Working hours: 15:00-06:00
Popular dishes: steak Chelsea, salmon in the royal sauce, chicken breast on the grill
Description: Ye Olde Chelsea Arms (usually just Chelsea) is the pub made in the best English traditions. The view of the pub attracts one’s attention at once. Its black with gilding building topped with clock-tower and the red telephone box nearby create the sense that you came to be in Foggy Albion.

Caravan One
Cuisine: Uzbek, European  |  Address: 69, A. Kakhar st., 6th pass, Tashkent 
Phone: +99871 255-11-99  |  Working hours: 12:00-24:00
Popular dishes: steak with potatoes, rosemary mushroom sauce, apple strudel, broth with eggs and vegetables
Cuisine: Italian  |  Address: 14, Bobur str., Tashkent 
Phone: +99871-129-90-90  |  Working hours: 12:00-24:00
Popular dishes: duck magre, steak "Al Capone" with skewers of vegetables, fillet of fish "Sandra" with "Cardinal" sauce
Cuisine: South Korean, Japanese  |  Address: 18, A. Kakhar str., Tashkent 
Phone: +99871-150-99-49  |  Working hours: 12:00-24:00
Popular dishes: hot rolls «IZUMI», cold soups "Ramen" and "Kuk-su," soup "Missoshiru" with tofu and seaweed, chicken "Toritoriyaki"
The Twelve Chairs
Cuisine: Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian  |  Address: 89, Nukus str., Tashkent 
Phone: +99871-129-12-12  |  Working hours: 12:00-01:00
Popular dishes: “The hearing is continued” (homemade cutlet), “Znamenito” (beef steak), “On the silver platter” (ice-cream), “Load oranges in barrels” (assorted fruits)
Cuisine: Uzbek, European, Arab  |  Address: 18, A. Kakhar str., Tashkent 
Phone: +99871-150-06-60, +99871-150-99-49  |  Working hours: круглосуточно
Popular dishes: pilaf, shashlik, chicken baked in foil, bedana-kabob, brewing cakes
Cuisine: French  |  Address: 63, U. Nasyr Str.; 40, Chekhov Str.; 21, Chimkentskaya Str. 
Phone: (+99871)-280-51-16, 150-18-33, 256-34-04  |  Working hours: 08:00-20:00
Popular dishes: ice-cream Getano, croissants, coffee Essse.
Bella Napoli
Cuisine: Italian  |  Address: 63, Shota Rustaveli str., Tashkent 
Phone: +99871-253-91-83  |  Working hours: 11:00-23:00
Popular dishes: pizza
Semo de Roma
Cuisine: Italian  |  Address: 40, Chekhov str.,Tashkent 
Phone: +99871-150-18-35(36)  |  Working hours: 11:00-23:00
Popular dishes: beef medallions
Cuisine: Uzbek, European (by order)  |  Address: 13, Qori-Niyazi str., Tashkent 
Phone: +99871-237-53-92, 100-35-37  |  Working hours: 11:00-23:00
Popular dishes: pilaw, shashlyk, samsa, manty, apple filled with halva and nuts