New route of Afrosiab high speed train Tashkent - Karshi
New route of Afrosiab high speed train Tashkent - Karshi has started on 22 August 2015. The electro train overcomes 512 km in only 3 hours. It should be noted that it took 6 hours for previous train to get there. The electro train shall be speeding 160 km/h on the route Marokand-Karshi.
In order to ensure the permanent trips on the route Tashkent-Samarkand-Karshi the state stock railway company Ozbekiston Temir Yollari has introduced the program on electrification of the railway place Marokand- Karshi.

Within the framework of the program the railway area Marokand - Karshi with the length 140 km has been fully electrified. On 11 stations the rails with 9 km length been modernized, and the earth works with the volume of 2000 cubic meters have been performed.
For the earnest of security of electro trains and reliable work of the systems, there is a modern automatic system of traffic control and automatic record of energy consumption. All crossings of the area are equipped with the telephone and radio communication, fences on both sides of the railway. It has been allocated $324.76 mln for electrification of the area Marokand-Karshi, including $110.92 mln. paid from own sourcws and $100 mln from the credit given by Asian Development Bank and from state budget.
Ozbekiston Temir Yollari in 2016 is planning to start the high speed train on the route Tashkent-Bukhara. The launch of the route shall enable to reduce the distance time twice.
Date: 03-09-2015
Views: 1557
Views: 1557