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Tourism Prospects on the Great Silk Road

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Tourism Prospects on the Great Silk Road

Samarkand has hosted the 99th session of the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s Executive Council. 

It was stressed in particular that President Islam Karimov’s keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the international forum afforded the event an even deeper sense. 

The session of the UNWTO Executive Council addressed the topic “The Great Silk Road: New Prospects in International Tourism”. 

As the head of our state noted, the Great Silk Road is one of the most remarkable cultural and socio-economic phenomena in world history. 

The route that for centuries used to connect the countries and peoples has not forfeited its designation even in our days. It serves for the promotion of trade-economic, investment, cultural and enlightenment ties among many nations. 

Located in the heart of this transcontinental route, Uzbekistan attaches a special significance to cementing interrelations with other countries and international institutions. Notably, joint projects are undertaken to advance tourism with the UN World Tourism Organizations. 

The 99th session of the UNWTO Executive Council has provided with an opportunity to share views on the current state and swap visions on the prospects of evolution of the global tourism market, exchange expertise, deliberate on new prospects in this sphere, discuss pressing issues and search for new ways of interaction on this front. The forum participants got familiar with our country’s rich tourism potential and expressed their appreciation of the efforts being spearheaded to promote this industry. 

Reports were presented during the session into the state of affairs and prospects of international tourism, into the institution of new models of cooperation in tourism and culture, on training specialists and raising the proficiency of cadres, on the role of tour routes in the regional development and consolidation of integration. Views and experiences were exchanged dedicated to the enhancement of tourist inflow into Uzbekistan. Also under discussion were issues related to boosting the international cooperation in the tourism industry and to attracting new investments to the sector. 

The meeting participants approved the draft decisions of the 99th session of UNWTO Executive Council. 

Uzbekistan and the UN World Tourism Organization signed agreement on the consolidation of mutual ties, cooperation in furthering the development of tourism in our country, on training cadres and retraining specialists in the sphere and the popularization of tourism on the Great Silk Road. 



Nodira Manzurova, Iroda Umarova, Gholib Hasanov, Alo Abdullaev (photo), UzA
Date: 05-10-2014
Views: 1266