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Holidays Do for Such a Country

Номе - News - Holidays Do for Such a Country

These days, amid the energetic preparations for the 23rd anniversary of our Motherland’s independence, the inflow of foreign tourists coming to Uzbekistan has been growing considerably. They can be encountered also on the streets, in the parks and squares of Khiva, also known as an open-air museum. The UzA correspondent has enquired into impressions received by some of those travelers. 

Jean Louis, France: 

“Many years ago, I learned from mass media that the Aral Sea was drying out. Then I imagined this place as a desert area, covered with sand and salt, and deprived of any plant world. But it turned out that I was misled to the end. As soon as I arrived at the Urgench Airport, my perceptions of this country shattered into pieces. The beauty and exceptionality of the city please the eye, so do the harmonious combination of national and modern architectural traditions, the blossoming colorful flowers and trees, as well as the peaceful life. One admires the kind, sympathetic and hospitable Uzbek people. 

“Wherever we went, you can see modern sports grounds everywhere, full of children and their happy parents. It suggests brightly of the great attention paid in Uzbekistan to strengthening the family and nurturing an all-round developed younger generation. The prosperous life, the atmosphere of kindness and compassion, friendship and harmony reigning in the country is the invaluable wealth of Uzbekistan. The gracious endeavors carried out under the leadership of President Islam Karimov to safeguard peace and calmness is important in boosting the wellbeing of the people and prosperity of the nation.” 

Matteo Francesco, Italy: 

“I take a great pleasure in walking along the broad, lively and beautiful streets of Urgench. Wherever you are in this corner of the world, your attention is caught by the gorgeous modern buildings combining the traditions of national architecture art and the contemporary one. 

“Necessary conditions are created in Uzbekistan for an interesting and exciting leisure of tourists. Everywhere you can feel the awe of the holiday, the 23rd anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence. Such a country, where peace and tranquility, prosperity and harmony reign, deserves well any holidays and festivities. I wish Uzbekistan further development and prosperity, and peace and wellbeing to its people.” 



UzA, A.Shakirov
Date: 27-08-2014
Views: 1139