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General Information about Uzbekistan

Номе - Information about Uzbekistan - General Information about Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan: short review

Formal name: The Republic of Uzbekistan

Location of Uzbekistan: The Republic of Uzbekistan is situated in the central part of Central Asia between two rivers: Amu Darya and Syr Darya. There are Turan Lowland in the northwest, and Tien-Shan and Pamir-Alay mountain ridges in the southeast of the territory. Kyzyl Kum Desert is in the North. Uzbekistan borders Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, and Afghanistan in the South.

Uzbekistan has been the UN, OSCE member since 1992. It is the member of CIS since 1991.

Capital: Tashkent. Tashkent is the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is situated in the Northeast of the Republic, in the middle part of Chirchik-Angren oasis. It is one of the ancient cities in Central Asia. Its history is more than 2 thousand years. In different periods Tashkent was called Chach, Shash, Bin-ket.

Area: total 448.900 km2: land: 425.400 km2, water: 22,000 km2.

Land boundaries: total: 6.221 km, border countries: Afghanistan 137 km, Kazakhstan 2.203 km, Kyrgyzstan 1.099 km, Tajikistan 1.161 km, Turkmenistan 1.621 km

Population: more than 29 million people

Language: Uzbekistan is a multinational Republic. The main part of the population is the Uzbeks (more than 71%). In anthropological terms, this people are of mixed descent. The Uzbeks refer to the south Caucasians of Central Asian Mesopotamia. At the same time a strong Mongoloid influence is traced in their formation. The literary Uzbek language belongs to the Karluk group of the western branch of Turkic languages. There are many different dialects in the spoken language. There is a deep historical connection between the Tajik and Uzbek languages. It reveals in phonetics, syntax, and especially in vocabulary.

Uzbekistan is multination country. Uzbek is the state language. The Russian language is widely spread in the country and the Tajik language in many areas.

The representatives of other Turkic nations live in Uzbekistan:  the Kazakhs (4,1%), Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Uigurs and Tatars. In addition, there is a large community of the Tajiks speaking the Iranian language (4.7%). The significant part of the population is the Russian and Russian-speaking nations. The total number of them is about 16%. The Koreans, Arabs, Central Asian Gypsies and Jews, Germans and many others live also here. Uzbekistan's population is rapidly increasing.

Uzbekistan is the Republic. The president is a head of the government and executive power. Legislative power is implemented by the Parliament - People's Assembly (Oliy Madjlis).

Religion. According to the official data the Uzbeks are the Muslims - 88 % (generally Sunnites), orthodox - 9 %. 16 religious confessions are registered in Uzbekistan.  The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan proclaims freedom of conscience for all. According to the Constitution everyone has the right to profess any religion or no religion. The forced implanting of religious views is also unacceptable.

The climate is sharply continental. The average temperature in January is +4 °C to −8 °C; July +22 °C to +42 °C.

The average annual rainfall in the plains is 90-580 mm.,  in the mountainous regions - 460-910 mm.

People in Uzbekistan are friendly and good-tempered. Uzbekistan is a multinational Republic. 

Traditional dances are popular in Uzbekistan. Music and art play an important role in cultural life of Uzbekistan. National and international festivals are regularly held around the country.

Historical places, culture, national cuisine and opportunities for the active rest will interest even the most experienced travelers. Whether you are traveling en route through Uzbekistan or stay for a few weeks, you will find much interesting and exciting to see in Uzbekistan.

State holidays:
January 1 - New Year
March 8 - Women's Day
March 21 - Navruz (Islamic New Year)
May 9 - Memorial Day
September 1 - Independence Day
October 1 - Teacher's Day
December 8 - Constitution Day.
There are other religious holidays with varying dates:  Ruza Khait and Kurban Khait.

Administrative and Territorial Structure: Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakistan, 12 regions, 226 cities and districts.

Religion: Islam

Currency: All payments must be done in sum, the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Currency exchange offices are available in every city of Uzbekistan. More about Uzbek currency...

National Symbols: Flag of UzbekistanEmblem of Uzbekistan.

Climate: The climate of Uzbekistan is extremely continental with a great number of sunny days. Average monthly temperature in January is from 10 to +3oC. Summer is hot and dry. Average monthly temperature in July is from +35 to +45oC. Autumn is warm enough and is the season when delicious fruits and vegetables are in abundance in numerous bazaars (markets). Average annual temperature is 13oC.