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Tashkent − Samarkand − Tashkent

Номе - Tours - Tashkent − Samarkand − Tashkent

On the tracks of the great cities of the sunny country...

Historical tour
Duration: 1 day
Route: Tashkent − Samarkand − Tashkent

1st DAY

Tashkent − Samarkand (50 min, by plane, 289 km)

06:00 - gathering tourists near the Tashkent International Airport, at the entrance to Terminal 3.

07:20 - departure to Tashkent.

08:10 - Arrival at Samarkand Central Airport.

08:30 - Meeting at the airport. Discussion of the tour program and other details with a representative of our company.

09:00 - Visit to Imam al-Bukhari complex

One of the major places of pilgrimage in Uzbekistan, Samarkand is the memorial complex of Imam Al-Bukhari, located 12 km from the city. Imam Al-Bukhari was the great theologian of the East. Since childhood he collected and wrote stories, many of which were made to «Shariat». His book “Al-Zhomi as Sahih” includes historical, juridical, biographical, medical, ethical and other sections. There used to be ancient mausoleum, and memorial complex that was recently reconstructed by the initiative of the President, I. A. Karimov.

10:30 - Visit to Ulugbek Observatory 

Ulugbek Observatory is one of the important observatories in the world of the middle ages, built by Ulugbek near Samarkand in 1428-1429. It is round three-storey building, its diametre is 46,4 and height is 30 metre. There was marble sextant here. The device which was under the ground is well preserved. The arc of the instrument is made of marble with two barriers. In Ulugbek Observatory worked such outstanding astronomers as al-Kushchi, Kazi-zade ar-Rumi.

Gurgan Zidj – catalog of the sky, consisting of 1,018 stars presents the great interest among the many astronomical tables of Ulugbek. The length of the sidereal year is determined by Ulugbek in 365 days, 6 hours and 10 minutes, 8 seconds. Samarkand astronomers were conducted the observations without optical instruments but only the naked eye. A huge influence on the development of science of the West and the East, India and China had astronomical achievements of Ulugbek School.

11:30 - Visit to Hodja Daniyar Mausoleum.

Hodja Daniyar Mausoleum (Saint Daniel) is one of the most famous religious sites in Samarkand, was built in the time of Tamerlan in 1400. Daniel means “God's judge”. According to legend, the prophet Hodga Daniyar was an associate of Arab preacher Kusam ibn Abbas. There is the river Siab not far from the mausoleum, there is also Hodja Daniyar spring. Residents of the city have used water from the river for many years. They believe in its healing powers. Hodja Daniyar was born in Jerusalem in 603 BC. According to legend, during the campaign in Asia, Amir Timur was interested by Suz city; he heard that the spirit of the Prophet protects the city from all misfortunes. Then the great military leader made a pilgrimage to the mausoleum, deciding that his city should be rich and prosperous.

12:30 - lunch at a local cafe.

13:30 - Visit to Gur-Emir Mausoleum

Gur-Emir Mausoleum is one of the finest examples of medieval architecture of the East, in Persian means (“Tomb of the Emir”). Construction of the mausoleum was begun in 1404 in southwestern part of the city. Mausoleum is the family tomb of Timurids. The domes and glaze were restored in 1967.

Guri-Emir is one-dome building with the tomb. Unusually beautiful effect creates a geometric mosaic ornament, shining brightly to the sun. Mosaic of light and blue glazed bricks decorates the walls of the building. The tile of mosaic installed above the entrance says that this is the tomb of Amir Timur Guragan.

14:30 - Visit to Registan.

Registan is a huge area in the center of the old part of Samarkand, which has three majestic medieval universities (madrasa) - Ulugbek (left), Tilla-Kari (central) and the Sher-Dor (right). From Uzbek "reg" means sand, "stan" - a place.

Registan in Samarkand is a unique example of urban art, as well as a remarkable example of the architectural design of the main square. All three madrasas were built at different times.

15:30 - Visit to Bibi-Khanym Mosque

Bibi-Khanym Mosque is an architectural monument of medieval Samarkand in 1399-1404. According to the legend, mosque was named in honor of Timur’s beloved wife. The construction of the building was begun after a victorious campaign of Timur to India. According to his plan, it must have been a mosque to perform the Friday prayer, the beauty of which would eclipse all the sights he had ever seen. Architects, craftsmen, artists and artisans from all over the East participated in the construction of the building.

16:00 - Visit to Siab Bazaar.

Siab Bazaar is one of the oldest bazaars in Samarkand, situated between the mosque of Bibi Khanum and Shokhi Zinda complex, not far away from the Registan. Since ancient times, it was the center of social life for citizens, there were purchase – sale, national festivities but today Siab bazaar meets customers with abundance of fruits and vegetables, melons and grains.

You can visit the bazaar in any weather as it is located in covered pavilions. Bags of walnuts, salt pits of apricots, raisin, dried apricot, sweet  peanut, parvarda – Eastern sweetness, kazinaki of different kinds attract  sweet  lovers. 

16:30 - Visit to Shahi-Zinda.

Shahi-Zinda (“The living King”) is one of the great ancient architectural ensembles of Samarkand, situated on the south-eastern part of Afrasiab. Ensemble includes mausoleums and other religious buildings of XI, XIV and XIX centuries. The name of Shahi-Zinda is connected with legend. It is said that cousin of Prophet Muhammad, Kusam ibn Abbase arrived in Samarkand to preach Islam but he was beheaded, despite he managed to go down into the well where allegedly he has still been living.

Complex Shahi-Zinda includes more than 20 buildings. The ensemble is divided into three groups: lower, middle and upper. The top group consists of three mausoleums. The earliest of them is Hoja-Ahmad mausoleum. There is a complex on the left which consists of mausoleum, mosque and hujr. It was built at the beginning of the XV century. The middle group consists of mausoleums built at the beginning of the XIV and at the end of the XV centuries. 

17:30 -   departure to the Samarkand Train Station.

18:00 - train to Samarkand ("Afrosiyob" - the first and only high speed train that reaches Tashkent in only 2h. 10 min., 289 km).

20:10 - Arrival in Tashkent.



All tours are carefully organized, taking into account the preferences of tourists. Tours can be organized for cities separately.

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